Presidency students are urging the dean to reopen the matter.

PART of Presidency University students gheraoed the varsity’s dean of students for more than 24 hours, demanding that the mess at Eden Hindu Hostel be reopened and that the hostel fees be lowered.
At o’clock on Monday, the students started to become unruly. 
The protesting students have gheraoed Presidency University’s Arun Kumar Maity, dean of students.
“We want the mess to be reopened at Eden Hindu Hostel. Although the hostel reopened in March this year, the mess did not reopen. We submitted several deputations to the authorities in this regard but nothing was done. We heard that the authorities want to start a canteen system in the hostel that will increase the cost of the food. We want the old mess system to resume,” said Sheikh Sahidul, a third-year student of the physics department.
The monthly rental has also been increased to Rs 200 from Rs 90. We want the hostel fees to be reduced as well,” said the student.

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