Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, said on Wednesday that individuals who have made mistakes should be given the chance to make amends, weeks after prominent Trinamool Congress (TMC) officials were detained in connection with several instances. But she avoided mentioning any names. The TMC party chairperson, Banerjee, asserted that the allegations of corruption against TMC leaders had been exaggerated. “The entire group shouldn’t be held accountable if one or two people make a mistake. There is an effort to paint the entire party in a negative light, as if every member of the TMC is a robber. The worst robbers in the BJP are its leaders, she declared during a party workers’ meeting in Krishnanagar, Nadia district. Former education minister Partha Chatterjee was detained by the ED in July in connection with the School Service Commission (SSC) recruitment scandal, while TMC Birbhum district president Anubrata Mondal was detained by the CBI in August on suspicion of cattle smuggling. Banerjee also issued a warning to her party’s MLAs in the fractious Nadia district, saying that anyone caught engaging in intra-party warfare will be expelled from the organisation. Those who engage in politics to “satisfy their ego,” according to Banerjee, would not be accommodated in the TMC. Her comments followed news stories alleging that several local TMC leaders had attacked a car carrying Murshidabad TMC leader Murshidabad’s supporters in Karimpur. If someone has made a mistake, Banerjee stated, “the person should be given a chance to correct such faults.” “Our legislators should not quarrel among…